


Posted Image
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-New login (this time uses forum login & backup server) No more login. But, I can still suspend HWIDs. I also keep track.
-Strongest UDP we could have, while keeping it stable 3x the DDoS we had before.
-Clean new design.
-Auto listen
-News & Ad space
-Download and Execute links
-Change colors (background, font)
-TCP feature added
-Add to startup
-Help Menu
-Contact us
-Major/minor updates (if major, you have to update, if minor, then it's optional.)
-Icon download

Download here!

Virus scan

You have to have ports 1994 and 81 open.
You have to use a no-ip.info (ex. y76.no-ip.info)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is it free forever?
A: Yes, now forever.

Q: Do I lose bots on this?
A: No way. This is really stable.

Q: Is it a shell booter?
A: No, it uses bots, home connections.

Q: Can I resell this?
A: No. If you do, & I find out, then I will report.

Q: Is it FUD?
A: No, use any crypter. If it doesn't work, use a different one.

Q: Are there updates for free?
A: Yes, always.

Q: What if the site is down?
A: There is a backup server now. When the site is down, then click USE BACK UP and you will be able to login.

Q: Is our information shared with anyone?
A: Hell nah!

Q: Is everything secure?
A: Yes

Q: How many times a month do you update?
A: We try to keep the updates minimal, but when we find something new to implement, we try and do in a timely manor.

Q: I need help.
A: Watch the fucking video, or click the info button on the client.

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